There's been a shift away from the billable hour in law. In a recent survey by Altman Weil, 62.4% of lawyers were found to be moving towards alternative fee arrangements. Subscription billing models help your firm adjust to an evolving landscape and, in the process, become more profitable.
Start scaling your law firm like a software company with our free ebook.
We give the complete run-down on how to start offering subscription plans at your law firm.
Learn strategies and best practices to help you promote your subscription services.
We cover the ethics of billing for subscriptions and provide case studies from lawyers in the field.
We list the tools you need and the systems to put in place to start streamlining a subscription-style offering.
By shifting to a business model that rewards you for efficiency, you can exponentially scale your services delivered, profits, and client satisfaction.
We go over low-cost ways to find the help you need to overcome the workload of changing your practice.